
Register for conference and get ticket

ISC-Tickets for one or more participants can be acquired below. Each participant needs an own ticket.

The attendance fee includes conference literature with a USB stick, simultaneous translation of the lectures into German, admission to the exhibition and the IMA laboratory, the conference banquet, as well as the lunches and refreshments during the breaks.

By booking tickets you are aware and agree that name and business address of you or the participant respectively will be listed in the participants directory and will be processed and stored on computer for organisational purposes.

If you have any questions or problems with the registration, please feel free to contact Jutta Berg (jutta.berg(at) or +49 69 6603-1236).

Choose your tickets

For whom do you want to book?

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Available tickets for

Regular participants
Regular fee

One Participant: € 1,090.00
VDMA members
Reduced fee

One Participant: € 890.00
Academic staff
Academic staff

only valid for PhD students

One Participant: € 290.00
Speaker/Chairperson/Board Member
Speaker/Chairperson/Board member

One participant: € 290.00
Conference Dinner

Free for Participants: € 0.00
Additional Guest for Conference Dinner

Additional Guest: € 105.00
Food information

I am vegetarian: € 0.00

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All prices exclude VAT

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