About the 13th ISC
The 13th ISC – International Sealing Conference – took place on 5th and 6th of October 2004 at the University of Stuttgart again.
245 interested parties met under the motto "Sealing Technology – a Global Challenge" to hear 46 lectures under the scientific auspieces of Professor Dr.-Ing. habil. Werner Haas, Director Sealing Technology at the Institute of Machine Components of the University of Stuttgart. Scientific as well as practice related lectures in the fields of Static Seals
- Reciprocating Seals
- Rotary Shaft Seals
- Methodology of Development
- Sealing Materials and
- Material Characteristics
- have been held.
This International Conference, which was organized for the second time by the Fluid Power Association of VDMA with its Fluid Power Sealing Group and the Institute of Machine Components (IMA) of the University of Stuttgart takes up a stable position in the schedule of the International Conferences.
In relation to the Conference in September 2002 the number of lectures was raised by one od a thirds, so that is was necessary to hold nearly the whole conference in parallel sessions.
A good overview of the lectures show the content of the conference literature and the summaries of the lectures. Both are available as download.
Conference-accompanying a commercial exhibition and poster show took place in the lobby of the conference centre.
The conference documents with CD-ROM (partly in German, partly in English) are available at the contact address christian.geis(at)vdma.org.