About the 12th ISC
The 12th ISC – International Sealing Conference – which took place on 10th and 11th of September 2002 at the University of Stuttgart, continued the tradition of the International Sealing Conference Dresden.
Already for the second time this conference took place particularly for Sealing Systems for Fluid Power Applications. For the first time it was organised by the German Fluid Power Association of the VDMA, the German Federation of Engineering, with its Fluid Power Sealing Group, under the scientific direction of Dr.-Ing. habil. Werner Haas from the Institute of Machine Components (IMA) of the University of Stuttgart.
In the fields
- Application Engineering
- Materials and
- Numerical Simulations
there were held three general lectures an 29 professional lectures partly in English and German language, which were translated simultaneously.
A good overview of the lectures show the content of the conference literature and the summaries of the lectures. Both are available as downloads.
Conference-accompanying a commercial exhibition and a poster service took place in the lobby of the conference centre.
With 205 participants the 12th ISC had an excellent resonance. Because of that and due to the successful process of the conference it was decided at the end of the conference that the 13th ISC will take place in autumn 2004 in Stuttgart again.
The last few conference documents (with CD-ROM) are available at the contact address christian.geis(at)vdma.org.